School violence across the nation creates fear and anxiety in our community, especially with our parents and guardians. The safety and well-being of our students and staff are our top priority.
Here are many of the ways CCPS is being proactive to keep our students and staff safe.
Emergency Response Plan (ERP) - required for each school to be completed prior to the first day for students each year
*Plan is part of yearly staff training and each staff member receives a copy
Active Shooter Training—requirement for all employees each year
School Risk Assessments—completed at all campuses each year by the State School Safety Marshalls Office
*All administrators trained in the risk assessment criteria
*School must be in 100% compliance during random inspection *Exterior/classroom doors locked, visitor compliance, etc.
Safety Drills—compliance monitored by District Safety Coordinator
*Lockdowns (2) each semester, severe weather and earthquake each semester, fire drills( monthly) with variations
Security Cameras and Upgrades—All schools have IP level camera systems
* 192 cameras installed over summer and 1st semester of this school year
Secure vestibule entrances at each campus
Handle with Care
Random metal detector wanding grades 6-12
*Classrooms and buses
*Administrator checks
Mental Health Focus *Mountain Comprehensive Care Center *School-Based Therapist
School Resource Officers/Safety Officers
*HPD at all secondary campuses (MS/HS/Gateway/Bluegrass Learning Academy) *CCSO/Safety Officers at all elementary campuses *Live/recorded lockdown drills
Contact our District Safety Officer:
Kathleen Carter